D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences (听对话,完成下列内容,每空词数不限,对话读两遍。)

F: Mark, I hear you are going to China in July.

M: Yes. I am going to visit a place called Qinghai. There will be lots of flowers there in July. And I am staying with the local people in one of their tents.

F: How exciting! Have you packed your everything yet?

M: No, I am not going until July.

F: Well, do remember to pack warm clothes. I’m sure it’s cold there at night. And don’t forget some comfortable walking shoes.

M: OK.

F: So, how long will you stay there?

M: For two weeks. I can’t wait.

F: Well, can I hear from you when you are there?

M: Of course. I won’t forget to send a postcard to you when I arrive.

—— 已经到底了!^_^ ——