B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear  (听对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案,每段对话和问题读两遍。)

6. F: I eat junk food once a month. How about you, Frank?

 M: Junk food? I used to eat it twice a month, but now I hardly ever eat it.

 Q: How often did Frank use to eat junk food?

7. M: You look really tired, Mary.

  F: I didn’t sleep well last night. I had a stomachache. It hurt a lot almost all night.

  Q: Why didn’t Mary sleep well last night?

8. F: I really love musicians who play different kinds of music. And Gina prefers musicians who play quiet and slow songs. What about you, Tony?

 M: Well, I like musicians who write their songs.

 Q: What kind of musicians does Tony like?

9. M: Have you seen my watch, Susan? I left it on the top of the fridge last night.

  F: Your watch? Is it on the table by the door, Jack?

  M: Oh, that is yours.

  F: Well, yours is in my schoolbag then. Sorry, I thought it was mine.

  Q: Where is Jack’s watch?

10. M: Hello, this is Peter. May I speak to Sally?

   F: Sorry, she isn’t in. She has gone for a walk across the fields.

   M: Could you please tell me when she will be back? I want her to come and play tennis with me.

   F: Sure. She’ll be back in about an hour. Because she wants to go swimming before dinner.

   Q: What is Sally doing now?

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