B. Choose the best answer to the question according to the dialogue you hear (听对话,选出最恰当的答案,每段对话读两遍。)

6. M: Hello, Jane! This is Mike. I’ll go to see you in half an hour.

  F: What about an hour, Mike?

  M: OK. Let’s meet at 11:30.

7. F: Hi, Bob. What are you doing here?

  M: I’m looking for a present for my parent.

  F: For your father?

  M: No. The day after tomorrow is my mother’s birthday.

8. M: Can I help you, madam? You look worried.

  F: Yes, please. I brought my son here for a visit. But I can’t find him. You know, he can’t speak English.

9. F: Hey, Tom. When are you going home?

  M: At 5:30.

  F: Can you drive me home? I don’t want to take a bus.

  M: Sorry, my car is broken. What about walking home together?

  F: OK. Let’s meet at the school gate.

10. M: Sally, which tie is better for my gray shirt, the black one or the blue one?

   F: Both of them are good. But I think the pink one is the best both for your shirt and your skin color.

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