C. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (听对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案,每段对话和问题读两遍。)

11. M: Excuse me, where are the novels?

   F: Let me see … Er, they’re over there. Turn left there, and then right. They are next to the dictionaries.

   M: Thank you.

   Q: Where are the novels?

12. M: What shall we eat for lunch?

   F: How about going out to eat?

   M: Good idea. Let’s try the new restaurant near KFC.

   Q: Where will they have lunch?

13. F: This is a beautiful park. Shall we come again tomorrow?

   M: Don’t we have to go shopping?

   F: We can do that in the afternoon, and come here in the morning.

   M: OK. And let’s bring Hilda and Julia with us.

   Q: What are they going to do tomorrow afternoon?

14. F: What a bad day!

  M: Why? What happened, Tina?

   F: My computer broke down again! This is the third time this week. And I need to search for some information on the Internet.

  M: Don’t worry. You can use my new iPad.

  Q: What’s the trouble with Tina?

15. M: Mary! Good news for you!

   F: What is it?

   M: You won the first prize in the writing competition.

   F: Really? I’m happy to hear that. And what about you?

   M: I got second.

   F: Great! It’s a lucky day for us. Let’s go out and relax ourselves!

   Q: What are the speakers talking about?

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