I. 1. instead of

   2. was born with

   3. pay attention to

   4. look up

   5. increase

   6. connected with

II. 1-4 DCBA

III. 1. keep reviewing

     2. get the pronunciation

     3. fell in love with

     4. stressed out

IV. 1. take

     2. is

     3. (to) get

     4. called

     5. to understand

     6. to have

     7. to guess

     8. to improve / of improving

     9. to practice

V. One possible version:

How to Learn English Well

English is one of the most important subjects in middle school and it is one of the most important languages in the world. But my English was poor at first. It was difficult for me to follow my teacher in class. How to learn it well? Here are what I did.

First, I studied English by listening to all kinds of English programs as much as possible. Second, I was not afraid of speaking English. I felt the more I spoke, the faster I would learn. Third, I often read English books. It’s true that we should try our best to read more books, such as novels, newspapers, storybooks and so on. Finally, I kept writing diaries to improve my writing skill. In this way, my English has been improved a lot.

I find studying English is interesting.

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