I. Listen and choose.

A: John, what did you do last weekend?

B: I just stayed at home and read a book named Bencao Gangmu. Have you heard of it?

A: No, I haven’t. What is it about?

B: It is about Chinese traditional medicine. It lists the plants, animals and other objects that can be used as medicine.

A: It sounds like a great book. Who wrote the book?

B: Li Shizhen, in the Ming Dynasty. The book corrected many false understandings of the nature of medicines and illnesses. It is still used as a great medical work now.

A: Could you tell me about one kind of medicine?

B: Of course. For example, medlar juice. It is good for your whole body, especially your eyes!

A: I am also interested in the book. Where can I buy one?

B: You could buy one online.

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