P5 2-2 二、听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。

6. M: Shall we go to the park tomorrow?

    W: Good idea. What should I take?

    M: Your camera, please.

    Q: What does the man tell the woman to take? 

7. M: I like light music. What about you, Tina?

    W: Pop music.

    Q: What kind of music does Tina like?

8. M: It’s raining heavily.

    W: Yeah. The weather changes a lot. It was sunny yesterday.

    M: I hope it’ll be fine tomorrow.

    Q: How’s the weather today? 

9. M: Can I help you, madam? 

    W: Yes. I’d like fifteen beef dumplings a glass of orange juice.

    Q: What would the woman like to drink?

10. M: Hello. This is Steve. May I speak to Jenny?

     W: Hello, Steve! This is Windy. Jenny isn’t at home at the moment.

     Q: Who’s answering the phone?

11. M: Morning, Mrs Smith. What’s the matter with you?

     W: Morning, Doctor. I’ve got a fever a terrible cough. 

     M: Ah…You’ve got a bad cold. you need a good rest in bed. 

     Q: What’s wrong with the woman?

12. M: Excuse me. Is there a bookstore near here? 

     W: Yes. It’s over there, between the post office the bank.

     M: Thank you.

     Q: Where does the man want to go?

13. M: Lucy, you are late for class again.

     G: Sorry. I studied for a maths test last night went to bed late. 

     M: Well, I see. Come earlier next time. 

     Q: Where are they talking?

14. M: What can I do for you?

     W: I’m looking for some sports shoes for my son.

     M: Here are some shoes for boys.

     Q: Who does the lady want to buy shoes for?

15. M: You look unhappy, Mary. What happened? 

     G: Oh, Dad. I lost my keys.

     Q: Why is the girl unhappy?
