
1. Do your parents drink alcohol?

2. What kind of soft drinks do you like?

If you drink, will your parents teach you a lesson?

    Teenagers drinking is seen as a big problem by many people. Those under 21 in the USA"and"under 18 in some other countries are not allowed by law to buy or drink alcohol. Also, neither shops nor supermarkets are allowed to sell alcohol to teenagers in Shanghai.

    Usually, children are taught at home"and"in school that alcohol is harmful.

    In fact, alcohol is neither harmful nor helpful. According to a survey, in some countries like Italy, many people drink almost every day at meals, but they have very few drinking problems. Why? For these people, drinking is seen as neither good nor bad. People can choose either to drink or not to drink. But drinking too much is not accepted by society. People learn this at a young age from their family members instead of from their friends.

    How can parents help children to make the right choice? We need, through our own words"and"deeds, to teach such things. Don’t drink when driving. Don’t ride with anyone who is drunk. Don’t run machines, go fishing,"and"so on when, or after drinking. Don’t get drunk, because it will put you at risk. Don’t join in drinking games or drinking matches.

    We can also teach how to refuse a drink politely; How to “get rid of” drinks that have been forced on us"and"how to prepare or order soft drinks that can be used instead of alcohol.

    Some tips also need to be given. For example, people shouldn’t drink on an empty stomach."And"many people, such as problem drinkers"and"patients, need doctor’s advice before drinking alcohol.

    All in all, children need good examples to decide whether to drink or not,"and"need advice when they decide to drink.
