1. How many best friends do you have?
2. What kind of person do you look for to be your best friend?
Best friends
Men"and"women share the same idea of a best friend — a best friend is always with you. You can depend on your best friend to share your worries, sadness"and"happiness.
Many factors play into the birth of a best friendship — people’s age"and"their situation, what first draws their attention, why they keep close,"and"how they fill each other’s needs.
I have heard the following word over"and"over — safety. A best friend is a safe place, for certain. You never have to explain yourself to your best friend, because they really, really know who you are. With your best friend, you can be who you are. You can cry too hard or laugh too loud,"and"never worry what they think of you, because best friends are fair-minded. They will give you advice if you want it"and"a kick in the pants if you need it. Even though best friends do a lot, they will not judge you or make you feel ashamed of what you do. You can tell your personal secrets to your best friend with full trust. The secret will never be repeated. Best friends can provide honest answers in the most gentle fashion.
Finally, best friends are like your family. They love you because they want to, not because they have to. A best friend gives you love without any conditions. The love is just the sort of love that you expect from a parent.
"And"for many people, a best friend becomes like a brother or sister.
A man’s mother was going to die soon. He asked her, “What has been the most important thing in your life?” He expected her to say her husband, her children, or her family. To his surprise, she replied, “My friends.”