1. Do you have any work experience? What was it?

2. Can you say something about your job?

A counsellor

    Sophie Green works at a university as a counsellor. Students can come"and"see her if they need help or advice. One day, I asked her when her office was open about what sort of problems students had. She answered, “I’m here every day during the weekdays,"and"another counsellor is here in the evenings"and"weekends. There’s also an emergency telephone number at night. Students come to see me with all sorts of problems. A lot of students wonder how they can improve their exam marks. Some students want to know what their parents think of them. They ask me how they can communicate with their parents better. Sometimes some students want to talk about medical problems,"and"for some reason they don’t want to see their doctors, so they choose to come here. The biggest problem, though, is loneliness. Universities are exciting places, but a lot of students don’t know how to make friends with others. They miss their families"and"friends"and"feel lonely in this new environment. My job is to listen"and"try to understand what they are feeling. But of course I also advise them what they should do"and"offer some practical advice. There are two visitors a day, on average …”

    I think the job of a counsellor is very helpful"and"meaningful, don’t you think so? What’s your favourite job?
