Eric: What’s up with her?

Lin Lin: Who? Amy? Nothing — I think she’s just nervous,"and"she likes to be alone sometimes.

  Eric: Oh, I see. Would you like to go hiking with me today?

Lin Lin: Today? To be honest, it’s necessary that you train before you go hiking.

  Eric: You’re right. On this hike, we’ll walk through eight country parks. It will be difficult for me to finish it.

Lin Lin: Moreover, it’s smart to learn something about it. Let’s get down to preparing for it.

Eric: Let me think. It is necessary that we take a camera, a bag, a raincoat"and"some towels.

Lin Lin: You have thought about it very carefully.

 Eric: I hope we’ll have a fantastic chance to exercise.

Lin Lin: I hope we remain in a good mood for the whole day.
