1. Do your parents love you? Do you love them?

2. What have you done for your parents just because you love them? What will you do for them in the future?

Unselfish love

    I wanted to do something special for my fifteen-year-old son. He worked all summer to earn enough money to buy a dirty used motorcycle. Then, it took him hours"and"hours to clean the motorcycle until it looked almost new.

    I was very proud of him, so I planned to buy him a nice helmet"and"some special riding clothes. I could hardly wait for him to open his gift. As a matter of fact, I was so excited that I didn’t sleep very well the night before. After I woke up the next morning, I went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. In the living room there was a used piano with a note on it, “To my wonderful mother, with all my love, your son.”

    I was shocked. I once told my husband my dream was to own a piano. It was a small joke in our living room long ago. My husband’s answer was always “It’s useless to buy one unless you can play the piano.”

    I stood there"and"my eyes filled with tears. I couldn’t imagine how my son could afford this really expensive gift. 

    After my son woke up, he was very happy with my reaction. I took him in my arms"and"gave him a big kiss. I wanted him to open my special gift immediately. But then I was surprised at the look on his face. Then I realised that he had sold the motorcycle to get me the piano. 

    I want you to know that this kind of unselfish love still exists! I love sharing this story.
