1. When somebody says “How are you keeping?”, what will you say?

2. Do you often catch a cold?

3. When did you last catch a cold?

Health test

    When someone says “How are you keeping?”, do you reply “Fine, thanks."And"you?” or do you say “I’m not feeling very well. I’ve got a cold, I’ve been off work,"and"now I’ve got a terrible cough.”? Some people never seem to be ill,"and"some are always in bad health, or think they are. Answer these questions: 

    Have you ever broken an arm or a leg?

         Yes       No

    Have you ever stayed at home because of illness?

         Yes       No

    Have you ever given up smoking or drinking because it is bad for your health?

         Yes       No

    Have you ever had an accident on the sports field?

         Yes       No

    Have you ever had a cough for a long time?

         Yes       No

    Have you ever fallen ill on holiday?

         Yes       No

    Have you ever worried about getting ill?

         Yes       No

    Have you ever been in hospital?

         Yes       No

    Have you ever looked up a disease in a medical dictionary?

         Yes       No

    More Yes than No answers: You haven’t been in good health"and"you worry about your health too much. Relax! Life’s too short to worry so much.

    More No than Yes answers: You’re very lucky … so far. You’re in good health"and"you don’t worry much. Keep looking after yourself.
