1. What do you like to do when you are on vacation?

2. Do you like to go on vacation with your parents or with your friends?

Dear Amy,

    I’m on vacation with my brother"and"parents in Europe. It’s far away from home. 

    We are staying at a small hotel in western Britain on the Atlantic coast now. The weather here is seldom clear in September. But it has been great recently — really sunny"and"hot. In fact, it’s too hot for me. I’ve got burnt. But we’ve got to stay here for another three days! 

    We’ve done a lot of interesting things. We’ve climbed mountains. We’ve visited some famous places by day. We’ve walked a lot. My brother wants to go on a twenty-kilometre walk along the coast the day after tomorrow! The beach is beautiful. Of course I’ve taken some great photos with my new camera. I’ll show them to you next month. 

    We’ve had a good time in the evenings, too. We’ve eaten some sausages"and"ham in the hotel. We’ve also met some famous people here. There are a number of teenagers in the hotel. I have spent the evenings playing table tennis"and"watching videos with them. I’ve even built up some knowledge about scores of birds with their help"and"the help of local magazines. 

    Well, I have to go to bed now. I look forward to seeing you at school next month.


