Lesson 1 I’m thinner than you. Lesson 2 What did you do yesterday? 活动手册 Review 1 Lessons 1-2 P14 R-1-1 1. Listen and draw ☺ or☹. 听一听,与所听内容相符画☺,不相符画☹。 P14 R-1-2 2 Listen and tick (√). 听一听,勾一勾。 Lesson 3 Where did you go on holiday? Lesson 4 He was short before, but now he is tall. 活动手册 Review 2 Lessons 3~4 P30 R-2-1 1. Listen and draw ☺ or ☹. 听一听,与所听内容相符画☺,不相符画☹。 Review (Lessons 1-4) 测试卷 Words in Each Lesson Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4