P10 8-1 Pronunciation 8-1-1 重读闭音节词 8-1-2 重读开音节词 8-1-3 重音在短元音上的词 8-1-4 重音在长元音上的词 8-1-5 重音在双元音上的词
P10 8-2 Topic words Topic words
P11 8-3 The word story 8-3-1 Group 1 8-3-2 Group 2 8-3-3 Group 3 8-3-4 Group 4
P11 8-4 Listen and number Listen and number
P12 8-5 Magic world Magic world
P13 8-6 Read and learn Read and learn
P16 8-7 At the party At the party
P17 8-8 Listen and read Listen and read
8-1-1 重读闭音节词 8-1-2 重读开音节词 8-1-3 重音在短元音上的词 8-1-4 重音在长元音上的词 8-1-5 重音在双元音上的词 Topic words 8-3-1 Group 1 8-3-2 Group 2 8-3-3 Group 3 8-3-4 Group 4 Listen and number Magic world Read and learn At the party Listen and read
—— 已经到底了!^_^ ——